Monday, December 19, 2011

How can I find people on WoW to do Quests with?

How can I find people on WoW to do Quests with? It seems all the guilds I join are full of people that are off doing their own Quests, Quests I've never even heard of because they are much higher than me. I am a low lvl player for now, lvl 14, but I play everyday, getting bored of completing quests on my own, just wondering how everyone else seems to pair up on WoW...any tips please?|||You can also join general chat channel and there should be people of your current level in the zone that you are working on quests in that also need help... if there isn't anyone saying they need help, type in that you want to work with someone that is your can also type this into trade chat in a major city to see if anyone else needs help.|||There is also a special button when looking for groups. It should between the social button and options button. Just click and select what your reason is: a dungeon, a quest, or just leveling. It'll put you in a queue.

It'll let you know if when it finds groups in need, around your level.

(Note: Sometimes you'll find something quick. Sometimes much longer.)|||go to the Looking For Group channel and search for a Group for a Zone might find someone

leave current guild and maybe ask in Trade channels for guilds that like to help others level up

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