Saturday, December 24, 2011

What kinds of equipment do rescue teams use to find people trapped in buildings from earthquakes?

I was wondering, what kind of equipment is used to find people trapped in collapsed buildings from earthquakes...|||Well-trained and equipped firefighters and task forces tunnel their way through the building using special tools, rope rescue, mining and tunnelling, and structural stabilisation methods. They use fibre-optic and Ground Penetrating Radar technology, special search cameras, extremely sensitive acoustic and vibration sensing instruments, search dogs, and direct visual and voice contact to locate victims trapped within void spaces created when the structure collapsed.

In many cases, firefighters and other rescuers must squeeze through cracks and void spaces, crawling through the interior of collapsed buildings in order to positively determine whether victims are trapped. This is an extremely hazardous (but essential) duty.|||Dogs.

Trained dogs, they run about 10K on the internet.

I'd love to have one, keep him at home, and just crate him off to a disaster site when tragedy hits. But they're hellishly expensive for that kind of thing .....

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