Monday, December 19, 2011

How is it so easy for other people to find people?

How is it that random people can just bump into each other then all of a sudden start going out with each other? Is it luck or do they have something i dont? Some people seem to find people so easily, and i can't seem to find a girl. I know how stupid it sounds to think about people can meet by destiny, but with the many relationships i've seen, im conseidering the possibility of destiny. But what does destiny have in store for me then?

What is wrong with me? (no hurtfull comments please)|||Ill say it in the timeless words of Judas Priest

"Well I said it before, and Ill say it again; You get nothin for nothin, expect it when you're backseat driving and your hands aint on the wheel"

instead of observing waht other people do, go out and do it. go meet people and talk to them. it isnt as hard as one makes it seem.

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