Friday, December 16, 2011

How can you find an extensive ist or database of people in the bay area who need cars?

Im a car salesman working in the bay area. And im trying to find out how to find people who need good cars, like a database of some sort. |||I'm assuming you are someone new to the car business. Based on the category I think you are looking for people who have totaled their vehicles. There is only one way I know to get that. Buy doughnuts and visit insurance comanies and body shops and ask them for referrals. Keep in mind with the current privacy laws in effect most of them won't give you info like they used to, but if they like you they can refer their clients to you. If you are looking for people in general who are going to buy cars, then just look around you. There's no list except for the one you create yourself. The average family buy s a car every 39 mos (raised to 41 this year because of the fin. crisis). Gather as much info as you can about as many people as you can. Make sure you have their info, don't just give them a card. Find out 1. What all vehicles do they have in their household. 2. Which one they think they will be replacing next. 3. Why? 4. get permission to mail them information that they might find help in taking care of their current vehicles, such as "how to winterize your vehicle". Mail them, call and make sure they got them, repeat. Establish a relationship and make yourself their "car guy" or their "automotive expert" they will refer their friends to you and come see you when it is time to make a purchase. Just think, if you add 20 of those people per month and every family buys a car every 39 mos. It won't be long until you are selling 8-10 cars a month only off of repeat and referral business. IMO||| LOL

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