Friday, December 16, 2011

How do random people find me on youtube and add me a as a friend?

I'm not a popular person on youtube. I don't make vids or anything. Random youtubers are always adding me as a friend. Some aren't popular and some are. Like you'd have this unknown rapper with alot of vids, nice youtube page and all but they're not known and they're adding alot of randoms. I do watch alot of rap stuff but I also do get other random youtubers that don't even relate me. So how do these people find people like me?|||Most people do it nowadays for a secret greedy hope of the person they're adding as a friend to return the favor by subscribing. Surprisingly, a majority of the Youtube community care so much about their subscribers, they're willing to add complete strangers to get a chance of obtaining a few. It sounds so simple, but it CAN work quite well.

Some people (I assume) use this method where they go to a random popular Youtube video and look at the comments, clicking on every single person they see that made a comment and add as a friend. At least that's what I believe. I mean, what other possible way is there?

I hope that answered your question.|||They might see a comment you posted on a video, and like it, and then decide they want you on their friends' list.

Sometimes people on youtube want to increase their friends' list, and add anyone they come across. Or they might want to subscribe to you, and then for you to subscribe to them.|||They just see your name in passing, and possibly hope you'll subscribe to them to reciprocate their kindness.

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