Friday, December 16, 2011

What is the best way to find people who are good with Photoshop?

If one doesn't have Photo Shop (and I don't have it anymore), what is a good way to find someone who does and who would be willing to alter photos the way that you need to? I am not sure what good websites to post ads at or what to meet people who do not mind altering photographs, and those who are particularly good at it and able to do things such as remove wrinkles, change skin color, eye color, hair color, etc.

What should I do? Thank you for any and all sincere advice.|||i could if you want me to, im very good at photoshop and have a lot of spare time|||Go to and ask around. Most of the people who comment on that blog are familiar with PS. You can also google "photo retouching" and see what comes up. There are people out there who do this for a living. Some are really good, some suck at it. You should check out their portfolios first to see if you like what they do.|||Schools, local students, ask around your neighbourhood. You could also try popping down to your local photography shop and asking around.|||Yahoo! Answers :). If you are really serious about it, you can go on|||Try Gimp - Free - google GIMP

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