Saturday, December 10, 2011

What do people find appealing about classical music?

hi everyone.

I rarely find people nowadays who enjoys classical music that good. so if you enjoy it, I'd like to hear from you. please discuss your opinions. thanks.|||I do!!

And I know a lot of other people who share the same opinion on this matter. ^^

Well, I guess I like classical music because I'm always so amazed at the harmony. The unity of all the instruments. I mean, all those instruments have their own unique sound right? That's why I always find it so delightful to listen to it and pick out the various instruments that can be heard in one piece. Hearing them blend in with each other sets me in a state of peace and awe. It may sound weird but that's how I feel.

And one more thing I love about classical music is the feelings conveyed in it. Sure, other types of music convey feelings as well but somehow, in classical music, its different. Or at least that's how I feel. I mean, classical music don't usually contain words, you just hear the instruments being played and they envelop you with their sound. And that's when you realize the feelings put into that piece. The notes suggesting happiness, and ones that suggest sadness. Stuff like that. I can't really explain the it perfectly but.. you get my drift. Its fun when you get carried away.

Oh, and one more thing. No piece is the same. How do I explain this? Well, everyone has their own playing style right? So even of the piece is the same, it never sounds the same when others play it. Its fun to listen to other people's interpretations of my favorite music. Every performance is different.

Wow, my explanation is already this long. lol. O.o|||"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent" -- Victor Hugo

Ah one of my favourite quotations and is there any other higher form of human expression than that found in the works of the masters like Bach and Beethoven and classical music in general.

I also agree with the comments of Del_icio.

It's definitely about the voyage of discovery for me.

I love the seemingly infinite amount and variety available.

I used to be heavily into Rock music but I became disillusioned

sometime around the start of this new century as I thought pretty much everything under the sun had already been said when it comes to this genre.

I also think a lot of popular/mainstream music has a very limited shelf life and certainly in the realm of Rock music all the truly great artists like Hendrix,Zeppelin

and yes even Cobain(thumbs down I await with glee) have been and gone,never to be surpassed.

I've still got all my albums but now rarely buy music that isn't classical as I still want to discover new music but neither do I wan't to listen to re-hashed mediocrity which is how I'd describe most Rock bands today,a few exceptions of course but not many.

On the other hand classical music,there's just so much original ideas out there just waiting to be discovered.

The day I become bored or disillusioned with classical music is the day I snuff it : )|||I don't know what people you are mixing with or talking to, but I honestly don't believe there are any fewer people listening to classical music now than there ever were. Admittedly, it is a relatively small part of the population but it has always been thus. It probably always will.

I don't listen to classical music to be 'soothed' or 'calmed' - only a relatively small proportion of classical music would be suitable for that anyway. What I love about it is the musical and intellectual challenge that much classical music offers. I enjoy the surprise of hearing something new for the first time (often, more than just the first time!) and getting to know it better and exploring further around it (every new piece can lead you to several other new pieces). It's the constant voyage of discovery I love the most.|||Well I enjoy it from time to time :) I'm not a huge fan of it or anything but I do find it can help me relax sometimes when I'm under stress. To dismiss it is in my opinion a sin as you don't need to have english words to enjoy music. I'm also into instrumental song like those that can be found on the pearl harbour soundtrack :) My favourite track is Tennesse.

Here's a youtube link to some of the track on that album :)鈥?/a>

I think that classical music has been labelled as a thing for the upper class but I think it'd be a shame to put it into this "box". It has so much to offer the listener and I plan on enjoying it for many years to come :)|||I like it because it's complex, meaningful, and it just sounds pretty.

Don Giovanni has a lot of catchy tunes and it's bouncy music. That's why I like it. No bigger reasons. It just sounds pretty.

Nobody in my immediate family is a classical fan so I wasn't raised with classical music- meaning there's no social benefit to me liking classical music. I'd be better off if I was in to rock or even jazz...but no, I like classical.|||I enjoy classical music. Now don't get me wrong, some of the songs make me want to pull my hair out. But there are alot of them that I could just listen to over and over and over. I grew up with my mom listening to it. I played the piano...I wish I never quit my lessons! Anyway, classical isn't the only music I love....I actually love almost all types of music, mainly R%26amp;B, rap, Texas Country, different types of rock like classic rock and particularly 70s 80s and 90s. There is one particular CD I have. It comes in a set of three. I really love it. I know you can order it online and I got mine at Hastings years ago and they still have it. It's called Meditation Classical Relaxation and it is by far the best classical music cd I have ever heard. I have seen it on Amazon, because I wanted to get volume 4 which is my favorite (I lost it) and you can buy them individually on Amazon. By all means I'm not trying to advertise for Amazon, I just think it was cool that I could buy them separately, cuz you can't do that in the stores.

This is one of my favorites......which was composed in the 70's so it's not that must watch to the end!!鈥?/a>|||I find it soothing and relaxing. The music flows. Studies have been done in prisons that prove it calms the inmates, causing less disturbances. It is also played by pregnant women to calm the unborn child.|||Classical music comes closer to sheer perfection and absolute beauty than any other thing I can think of.|||Mostly it makes me feel romantic.

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