Saturday, December 10, 2011

Do you find people of certain races look older than others?

I find white/black people tend to look older than asians/indians of the same age. For example, a 13 year old white or black girl would look a lot older than a 13 yr old asian or indian. This is something I noticed.|||I think most black people look younger than white people cause there skin is thicker. But then again it has to do with your life style too I think. My mother is of european decent and she looks a lot older than my dad who is of native, spanish, chinese, african decent, and they are both the same age. But then again my dad lives the single life and my mom struggles at home with 2 autistic kids by her self.|||Im mixed with white and black and when people guess my age they guess right !

- the asians in the stores and in the street are baling, and the women tht do my nails are balding.

-The indian women bald too

-the white people get wrinkels quicker

-black people get grey hair quicker

TRUST me .

WE ALL AGE. even if they look young now , in 10 or 15 yrs from now . . look at the process|||It does depend on race. I'm asian and 18. People think I'm a freshman in high school. My mom is 43 and people think she's 18.|||its on the genes im already 24 turning 25 but was told as 15 year old lol

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