Saturday, December 24, 2011

Where can a good webmaster find people to collaborate with?

Do you know an internet community where i can find people to collaborate with in websites design and programming, web applications developing? I would like to find people in need of a freelance programmer.||| is a good one.

How to find people speaking Japanese in madrid, especially Japanese expatriats?

I just moved to Madrid, Spain from Tokyo, Japan. I want to meet some people speaking Japanese, preferably native speakers. How to find them? ANY ideas?|||Try a japanese language centre in madrid or contact the university and they may be able to help.

How to find people's address in Singapore by googling?

How can I find people's address by googling? I tried the site: method but it didnt work. Any1 know of any website in singapore that shows them?|||Unless the flat is in his/her name legally.

Good luck.

Where can I find part-time ambitious people in Singapore?

Over the next few months I'll be researching and starting up a number of small businesses in Singapore. Some of these will be internet-based and some will be more retail-based businesses. Part of the startup process will be to reseach the market and I'll need some people to help out.

The kind of work I'm talking about would range from researching competition using Google, collecting statistics through government websites, and performing primary data collection through interviews and paper surveys of the public - things like asking people to fill in a questionnaire.

It's not glamerous work but can be very interesting, and could lead to something bigger. It'd be very suitable for a student in high school or university who has a bit of free time, wants to earn some extra money and work on something interesting. Is there any place to find people like this? Some kind of part-time job board, career center, university employment center, something like that?

Thanks!|||I have found a site that listed a number of organisation or internet groups that might able to help you. Check this out..

Happy venturing. If you need help in Internet marketing, I have friends whom might be able to help you.|||just go through this site and find the suggestion there is not less human mass in this world you can find every where not only singapore

Im helping a family with furniture who has nothing, how to find people to donate pieces? any ideas?

ive been touched by a post by a single mom with 3 handicapped girls who sleep on blow up beds... im trying to find them furniture to help, for some reason something about them told me to help, like God said so, now im trying to find people to help donate items...where can i look?|||www,

or try a local good will or salvation army.. not free but very cheap||||||I've heard the Salvation Army will sometimes give things to needy families. Try calling them.

How can i find people a bit older than me to befriend?

i dont relate to even 20 year olds that ive spoken to. im just 16 and definitely dont talk to anyone around my age or in high school. i find their priorities and interests much different than mine. im into things not even many adults are interested in. bdsm is a good example.

i dont know how to go about finding older people to talk to besides the internet, that live in my area. you have any ideas on what i can do?|||Well even if you found one chances are they won't be interested in talking to you because most adults don't find conversations with sixteen year old children too interesting. You can try a church or retirement home.

How do I find people that are interested in building a MLM company?

Multi Level Marketing is where regular people(if they play their cards right) can have financial freedom,big house 5 cars, be their own boss... I have a great company,(look at my personal info)but I need to know where I can find people that are interested in this kind of thing???|||Advertise for them in one of the best free advertising mediums today - the Internet %26amp; free classified ads.

People are always browsing classifieds in the paper, online etc. Write out an ad - post it in a free classified ad site and then see what kind of response you get.

It's a great way to test the waters.|||by marketing in other venues besides Yahoo Answers where it doesn't belong.|||Find a bigger fool than yourself.

I am not putting MLM down. Its great in principle.

However I am speaking from experience.

If you do continue. Always treat it like any other business. You have to make smart business decisions.

Always be honest.

Have a passion for your product and focus on actually selling products. No products = no money. I don't care what anyone says its not about the people you put it but always take care of them. Accomplish the mission (sales) and take care of the people.

Still I say, from my experience, find something else. I hate raining on a parade and being negative but...

Experience is a dear teacher, but fools will learn at no other.

Yet another Ben Franklin quote.

Art|||Find some good leads, but really you need to be a good salesman, Goodluck!!!|||Try my company, it's better:


What website do people In india use to find Jobs?

I have been looking to hire an outsourced employee who can work online , I use to find people on craigslist but am noticing no one post to craigslist any more . What is the new site people In INDIA look to find employment ?|||people don't beleive working at home / online so its hard to get anyone for this job

normally if you go to google lets say you want people from delhi to work for you

so if you just type in delhi classifieds you will find a website thats the website you use for advert

so whatever city name you just type it in and put classifieds next to it and search|||if you put a post on craigslist people might look and contact you instead...

Where can I find people to help to edit/film my stop-motion animation? Can't do it all myself?

I do stop-motion animation as a hobby like many other people do. I have a lot of good ideas for stop-motion films and I'd like to bring them to life. There are two videos in particular I want to get done, I just need help doing them because of the amount of work that will be involved. Anyone know where I can find people who have experience in filming and/or editing? Whether it be from a website, or film festival?|||Well, your best bet (if you want good experianced people) is a university or some type of school that has classes for that, ask a few students or betteryet join a arts or film school, since they are basicly filled with students with your same problem...goodluck :)

How do I find people on myspace mobsters?

How can I find certain people on myspace mobsters? There is some number people are giving me. But whenever i use it, it takes me back to there myspace profiles...HELP!!|||;…|||

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|||Dont you wish that some mobster will stop hitting you? Come join T4C..We will take all of your problems away..Hey we are also the most respected fam out there!..With almost over 500+ members....Go to them Yung sent yeah..Dont Wait too long!

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|||You have to add them as a friend then add them as a mob menber.

How can I find people to do a photo shoot with?

I live in NYC and I want to work with people and take their pictures and do shoots with them, and maybe make some spare cash along the way. How can I find people to work with? Models,etc.|||ModelMayhem or One Model Place are good places to find models.|||check craigslsit

What kinds of equipment do rescue teams use to find people trapped in buildings from earthquakes?

I was wondering, what kind of equipment is used to find people trapped in collapsed buildings from earthquakes...|||Well-trained and equipped firefighters and task forces tunnel their way through the building using special tools, rope rescue, mining and tunnelling, and structural stabilisation methods. They use fibre-optic and Ground Penetrating Radar technology, special search cameras, extremely sensitive acoustic and vibration sensing instruments, search dogs, and direct visual and voice contact to locate victims trapped within void spaces created when the structure collapsed.

In many cases, firefighters and other rescuers must squeeze through cracks and void spaces, crawling through the interior of collapsed buildings in order to positively determine whether victims are trapped. This is an extremely hazardous (but essential) duty.|||Dogs.

Trained dogs, they run about 10K on the internet.

I'd love to have one, keep him at home, and just crate him off to a disaster site when tragedy hits. But they're hellishly expensive for that kind of thing .....

Anybody know where I can find people who can write life insurance articles?

Where would I go if I'm looking to find people who can write quality life insurance content for pay. This would could be content for a company website, sale materials, articles for newsletters and blogs, etc. I want somebody with good writing skills but is also knowledgeable about the industry.

Anybody have any ideas of where to start?|||There are plenty of free-lance writers out there looking for work. You can place an ad in the local (or online) classifieds stating what it is you are looking for --

Othererwise you may choose to hire an advertising or marketing firm who has writers on staff who are familiar with setting up content for print and online publication. These agencies will also have a good line on the best / most cost efficient graphic artists, printers and postal rates, plus demographic and zip code-specific targeted mailing lists and publications for the audience you are trying to reach _

I, myself am a professional writer with an ad agency (small agency) and a former journalist - We're not experts in any of our clients' businesses - they are the experts in what they do, but it is our job to do the necessary leg work, research and interviewing in order to take the client's message and present it to the public (or b2b marketing partners) in a way that the consumer can understand. Usually that means we strip away industry jargon (the things that John Q. Public neither knows nor cares enough to learn) and present the right message and call to action you need to sell your product or service.

Any reputable agency can help you with writing content and much more! They have the expertise and resources to get your message before the consumer in a ways that you can't.

best of luck!|||Sure-- email me; I'm interested!|||I write a quarterly newsletter for my clients with unbiased general articles on various insurance topics. Depending on where you live and what type of advice you are looking at passing on, I'd be happy to work with you (as long as it doesn't jeporadize my licensing).

If you would like to see a copy of my work, I'd be more than happy to e-mail you an article that I've written. Drop me an e-mail at (or add me to MSN)

Msn messenger, How do i find people to chat with?

I've just installed msn messenger.

How do i find interesting people from around the world to chat with?

Thanks!|||You have to know people's email address to add them as a contact and start chatting to them.|||You can find other people to chat with using MSN on

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|||heres a list:


2. ask your friends

3. Boom Bang

4. Bebo

5. Myspace

6. Facebook|||You have to ask someone for their email address, and from there add them as a contact.

Once they accept you will be able to talk to them when ever they are online.|||ask ppl (whats ir email)|||yes, ask for their email|||ask people for their emails?

Can you find a teen through a people search?

Just wondering if I could find a friend of mine [16]. I've tried the White Pages and some online people searches. Seems like you can't find people under 18. I don't know the parent names either.|||Here are some good free people search tips and resources -

Some free people search directories are listed below -|||Have you tried searching theyre name at

If they're sixteen they might have a myspace, try searching their name there and then see if u can find them. If you know her zip code try searching in 5 mile radius of the zip so that u dont have to look through alot of peoples profiles

Does anyone know how to find people looking for childcare in Connecticut?

I am moving to the connecticut area, near new haven and I'm trying to find people looking for chilcare services. Here I can look at a local newspaper, but since I don't live there yet, I can't get a paper. Any ideas?|||Sign yourself up for That way you can advertise your sitting services to people and get your name out. I have a friend that has profile on this site and she actually gets regular babysitting jobs.

Where's the best place to go to find people interested in good honest network marketing?

I'm trying to find a place where people are hungry for change and opportunity.|||The problem is exactly in your question. You are doing the chasing. That is not working smart, that is working hard and wrong. You have to have people come to you.

In my business people come to me, I do not chase. When you chase you have to continue chasing. My product speaks for itself, you don't have to taste it, wear it, or wait for results.

It used one of our senses, smell. So a simple "show and smell" demonstration will put money in your pocket daily! There is no monthly quotas, no pressure to recruit, and it costs less than $50 per month. Very simple, if someone doesn't see the opportunity I move on.

Trust me if you don't have $50 per month for a business then I cannot help you, nor do I have time for you.|||Opportunity seekers- people that are looking for business opportunities- lead list i buy really affordable. Ad sense, $50 a month? How about per day in order to get real numbers. Keyword "leads" avg $5 per. You set your daily limit that you want to spend %26amp; on %26amp; off anytime.

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|||LOL me too. If you find a spot let me know. What company you with? I am Tahitian Noni International.|||You have a wrong headed question. You are looking for the people and chasing them. What you need to be doing, is having them come to you.

This is a simple process but takes work and time. It will take you to change your mindset and approach. With the pushy sales approach, you instantly turn people off and away.

Create your own optimized leads and make money doing it while prospecting people.

What website can I find people who who are willing to act in my film?

I am a director and i am looking for actors in my film does anyone know what website where I can find people who want to act. In my area?||||||i would act|||

How can I search for certain interests in profiles to find people nearby on MySpace and Facebook?

I'd like to be able to find people who have similar interests near me by searching for certain terms within their profile pages, but both of these websites are set up so terribly I'd need a For Dummies book in order to find what I'm looking for if it exists.|||in myspace this works for me, i go in the search and type thing i would like to find, somethign like this, if u look for a girl" location,female,age, and pops ups bunch of girls meeting those matches! u can type music u like, like bands, shows ppl who has them in their profile n stuff

How to raise funds to a new Cultural ”Earth-Space” Project, and to find people who wish to help with that?

On a few occasions, spaceships leaving our Solar System have brought with them "Greetings from Earth" - sounds %26amp; pictures from our planet . The Cosmica Awards builds on their legacy, inviting citizens around the world to elect their own symbols to represent us in the cosmos. Once a year, the winning entries will be presented at a prestigious ceremony in the UK. See:

By doing this, we want to put the Beauty of Nature and Richness of Culture into the bigger scheme of things - widen our horizons while creating a positive foundation for planetary Peace and Progress.

The project already enjoys wide moral support. But it also requires practical help with donation of UK office space, volunteer staffing, marketing and general financial support. We look for people who want to make their mark in History, or earn commission as fund-raisers, as well as businesses who wish to be recognized for their support of a noble cause.

Anyone who knows how %26amp; where to find them?|||sorry no - what about contacting universities which have space/science subjects!

How do I find people to join my recreational sports club?

I started a club and have 7 people, but we need around 20 to start our first game and need to find more people, preferably people I don't already know. I used craigslist and don't want to use because there's a $20 fee. I also used yahoo groups under recreational sports club. So any suggestions would be appreciated. Or if you want to join just let me know e-mail me or post it in this answer, we are in southern california playing in Pasadena.|||Ask all of your friends to ask their friends, ask your members to ask their friends, go to a health club and post an advertisement on the board-thing. You could put vinyl's on your car saying your phone number, where it is, etc. Having a website, and having it on Google will boost your sports club by quite a bit.|||well u could post ads in the paper, on myspace, post fliers, ask the people u do know if they know any people u dont know if they wanna join...and so on...good luck!....hope u get good people! =)

Where can I find people sharing their homes to allow others to vacation & in return let me share my home also?

I want to find online sites or places where people post their homes/address to allow others to go %26amp; stay there while they're vacationing %26amp; in return share my home also for the same purpose. Are there people who do this? They'll let you stay at their house with little or no fee or cost so that a small family (of 4 or less, or more) can stay at their house %26amp; go out %26amp; tour the city, area, country, etc. I've heard of something like this a long time ago and now that I'm capable of doing this I don't know where to find this kind of information.|||鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>|||On

It's great and it's free. It's worldwide and there probably is one in your area.

Just type in your city (or nearest large city)

and there is a category you seek in the homes/rental section. My favorite is the FREE column. There is all kinds of things that people give away!

Good Luck!

Steve V

How do I find people to buy guns from?

I am looking to be a gun collector and want to find people who are trying to get rid of guns. How do I find these people?|||Advertise in your area newspaper using an Add saying Wanted Used Guns.* If your in Pa. look me up.*|||craigslist but watch out for frauds. then I don't know about where you live but where I live they have weapon stores that buy and sells antique guns or just any old regular guns.||| is a good start,,some auctions estate sales,,,,, and a visa card|||Gun broker,classifieds,gunsamerica,gunshows,|||want adds local trader papers.....facebookc/myspace....

CANNOT use craigslist.....they will ban u if u do.......

CANNOT use ebay....same thing.....|||Go to your local gun shop. Do everything legal, you won't have to wonder if the weapon was stolen or used in a crime. Your local gun shop would be the best bet.|||online classifieds.|||If you're a PA resident I've got a few I'm parting with.

But generally, asking around will find you someone.

How do very non-professional people who want to play music find other non-professionals to play with for fun?

My boyfriend in his 40's is constantly playing drums all over the house, tables, steering wheel, bongos, used to play drumset as a kid. I think he would like to have some other guys to play with just to have fun. How would someone find people who are not serious or too advanced?|||craigslist


Find people?

i will like to help me find a guy name verniot estherling living an america dob on 06/28/1980 from in haiti ilove to meet him or having contac please help with this is his babi mother|||Write a letter to the US Consulate in Port-au-Prince

How come you can find in parts such as northern india, afghanistan, pakistan, people that look like germans?

I noticed that in some parts in the middle east such as india, afghanistan and pakistan you can find people who look swiss, german, polish and russian. Is there a history behind this because they look white and european to me?|||Your wrong -_- people from Afghanistan, Central Asia, Middle East would look like Russians, German, Swiss, Polish simply because of Geography not because of mix race...look at the world map Central Asia was a part of, and is connected to Russia. Afghanistan is connected to Central Asia (the former soviet union) and had Russia in it for long time not long ago and all of these nations are then connected to Middle East...simple as that !|||many of the people there are not fully "mid-eastern"

they are mixed so that is why some of them look white;鈥?/a>|||umm..yeh, you can get people from those areas that don't look typically middle eatern..probably is history behind it (immigration from other areas). There's history behing everything|||You can find some people who live in the mountain regions of these countries, who have fair skin, blonde/light brown hair, and blue/green eyes, although they are in the minority if you consider the entire country as a whole.

One of these groups of people is the Kalash tribe in northern Pakistan.鈥?/a>

There are different theories as to their origins. Some believe they are descendants of Alexander the Great, some say they are some lost Jewish tribe, some say they are descendants of British Outcasts from colonial times and others say that they are native of the region and that these people actually immigrated to Europe over time.

The Kalash are a very small group of people, and they are probably the only ones who look similar enough to Europeans so that you'd easily mistake them for someone from Northern Europe.

Among the larger ethnic groups of that region, there are some ethic groups that are lighter skinned and some that are darker skinned, and even within each ethnic group, there are people who may look completely different.

Many Pashtuns, Eastern Persians, Kashmiris, as well as some Punjabis and Biharis are fair skinned although they usually have dark hair and eyes, so they usually look more similar to Mediterranean people rather than Northern Europeans.

I am a Pakistani of Iraqi, Persian, and Bihari origins, and I have light tan skin, and dark hair.

How can i find people on a runescape private server?

2877, 3484

Example: Test (level-126) is at 2877, 3484

These numbers above tell me where people are when i do ::players. Does anybody know how to find people just by having the codes? i couldn't find anything on google.|||but i found this link below

but i have not tried the private server

Where can I find 2 people to play live entrance music at my wedding: Piano and Violin?

At my wedding I would like very very good if not orchestra professional

musicians at my wedding to play the wedding parties entrance music...where can I find people like this?|||look online for people in your area, or try phonebook?||| - Musicians Database - Wedding Bands

Just a little additional information, here is a website that has popular wedding songs -|||My first thought was to contact a local college with a music program and possibly post an add there. Another idea is to post an ad on craigslist. Get an idea of what music you want to have played and be sure to "audition" anyone who might be interested in the job.|||if you're getting married in a church you have to ask if it's OK to bring in musicians outside the congregation. or maybe the pastor can recommend members of the parish who have played at the church. otherwise contact your local philharmonic and ask about freelancers.|||There is a list of resources here for locating violin shops and teachers, and the process for finding players is the same:鈥?/a>|||The ads in the help wanted section of your local newspaper. Ask at a local music store. Ask at church. Check the yellow pages of your phone book.

If there is a booking agency in your area, check that.

How do I find people interested in hosting a Purse Party in Myrtle Beach, SC?

I am trying to find ways to get people to host a Purse Party in Myrtle Beach, SC while I am there on business at the end of September. Does anyone know of any local papers or free advertising I can do to get the word out?|||you can try posting something on craigslist

on the Sun News on-line site

on the the Myrtle Beach fan page on facebook鈥?/a>

I want to start an Internet cafe business. What are the basic requirements & where can I find people to set up?

I want to start a small business basically an internet cafe and I want to know the basic requirements for starting this business. I have got a shop for that. I need details regarding license and the also about where can I find people to set up all the computers. Is there any website where I can post my work and some of them bid for the work. I need help in this.|||Hi,

If you are looking for a advice or help to set up you can ask for advice from several experts in your area at once and up to three can respond if they can help you. We've partnered with Thomson Local to enable you to send a request to multiple experts in one simple process.

Try using the service for free here:

There are also large amounts of free resources for entrepreneurs on the site - a kind of one stop shop for getting started.

Its a new service from - social network for entrepreneurs.

Kind Regards,

Will|||There's a website called, you post your requirements and people from different companies and trades will give you an estimate. You can then choose which one if any you use by there quotes and other peoples comments about there work. There site is down for maintenance at the moment but i used it to find someone to deal with my problems and i found the perfect bloke for the job.|||internet

Whats a website where I can find people with similar hobbies?

I haven't painted in a long time, and would like to find inspired people online who are into painting. Does anyone know a website where I can find people with similar interests?|||Yahoo answers.|||Check any category on YA! answers. :D Which hobby are you interested in? Boys? lool Girls? Dating, Philosophy,Religion, Politics, sports, fashion, drawing? Surveys? You will find that in this website,girl.

How do i find people to join my guild on guild wars?

I started my own guild because i really couldn't choose a certain guild but now i'm the only one in it. How do i find people who want to join?|||It's tough to start a guild nowadays. The game is 4 years old and most players are already established in their own guilds and aren't likely to leave for a brand new guild.

If you are the only one in your guild, I'd recommend disbanding it and joining a bigger guild that's well established. You can use the fan forums to find one that fits you. Think about what you want in a guild and choose one that has a lot of active players in your time zone that participate in activities you enjoy. (PvE, PvP, farming, elite missions, etc)

How do you find people who are in their late 15 and early 16 who can sing and dance?

I am starting a singing group of 4. And i am trying to see where would i go to find people who can sing and dance. What can i do to tell teens or get the news out i am starting a group?|||maybe on youtube?|||put up something on facebook or myspace.

or put out a flyer of what you're looking for.|||Put up fliers in your area.

Talk to people in your school's chorus.

How do I find people who are newly laid off/need a job?

I just started as a professional recruiter and would love to know if anyone has ideas on how to find people who are actively looking for a job....because they have been laid off, need a change, etc. Thanks so much!|||The Employment Security Commission, lists jobs every week, and the jobs change frequently. They will let you advertise on-line, and you could call and set something up where you could go to the office, and recruit. They will 100% aapprove of your plan, because their ultimate goal is to get people working and off of Unemployment. This works not only for you, but for the individual whom is seeking work, because when they receive Unemployment Benefit Payments, they are only receiving a fraction of their salary. Good Luck|||you can usually find out through or CraigsList where people submit resume's and wait for companies to contact them. Maybe the classifieds in the newspaper? It depends what type of job. I have seen housework and sitter ads in the paper, but not much else. Try one of those websites, or even list an ad in the paper. I know i've looked there!|||Check with your local office of unemployment. They have a registration that people have to do to register for work, and they will list jobs that are available there. Maybe they could give you a lead on people or companies who are currently downsizing?|||That shouldn't be hard...there are alot of people who are newly laid off...just put an ad on Craigslist, you'll get a ton of resumes (hey, you might even get mine...hehe) and it's free to subscribe....|||i am in that situation i need ajob u can email me at

How do I find people on Facebook that have the same profession?


I'm looking for making new friends from people working as web programmers like me, especially from here - Toronto, Canada. How do I find them on Facebook?

Thanks!|||search about facebook groups which is all about ppl who work as web programmers

or make a facebook group about that

Whats a website where I can find people with similar hobbies?

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How do I find people that are driven to help with my new computer business?

Need someone with a driven mentallity to help my new business grow. Alot of initial marketing. Will pay but need a driven person. Where do i find these kind of people|||

social networking site for professionals...might be prove to be a good resource for you in other areas as well.

Also, I'd think that a relatively new marketing company might be a good choice as well, kind of a "you succeed, we succeed" thing...just a thought.|||Ask a recruitment agent to locate suitable staff for you.|||That's a very good question, I would put an add in the local paper and see if you get any bites. I've been fortunate enough to meet all of my support folks online over the past 15 years, but I've been very lucky. I've also advertised on the local public access channel here, as well as in the local paper. It's tough to find quality help however, good luck with that!|||assuming that you know about the business you are entering I would strongly suggest getting a publisist and a marketing get the word out.

Where can I find a list of people in need of Microloans online either domestically or internationally?

I have seen a few shows that show how microloans can change people's lives especially in foreign countries and I was curious what websites/organizations host the information on who needs these loans and help facilitate the delivery of the funds? Basically I am looking for a website I can search to find people to give a microloan to.|||you can find the list on Google.|||Hello, I am Mrs. tannia from Las mexico I saw your question on how

You needed a loan; I think you should contact one legit loan firm by the name

direct access Loan Firm because two weeks ago I got a loan from them and their ways was very simple, no credit check, no collateral needed, no cosigner with just

5% interest rate, so I will advise you to contact them via email,|||Look at this website that matches people with funds to people who need them in third world countries

What do I need to do, to try to change a law, or how do I find people who are already attempting it?

I have fought too many battles the last 5 years in court involving my ex, the county we live in, child support issues, and the special needs of my sons in regards to all the above. I have come to realize that our legal system is not going to seek justice, or even fair play in regards to me, or my sons, so I would like to attempt to connect with people who are in the process of changing certain laws in regards to child support/visitation/medical responsiblity, etc. Do you know of a group, or site, or any information I can find in regards to who and what is being politically lobbied, and if not, do you know how a person with few resources would begin the process of trying to have a law changed?

Thank you for your time.|||Talk to your local congressman or representative. That person fields questions and comments about all sorts of laws each day, and I guarantee it includes child support and medical responsibility issues. He or she would definately have contacts to any key individuals or organizations regarding your desires for a law change.

Furthermore, this individual is responsible for initiating law changes and is the person who can help you accomplish that mission.

Good luck.

BTW, to find your representative or congressman, go to

How can I find people in my area code who play the same game as me?

Yeah I play Final Fantasy XI (the first online one) and I have nobody to play with, except for random people all over the world who I don't know. I'm wanting to make some real-life FFXI friends. Is there any website, or any way I can find Final Fantasy XI players in my area code?|||Usually there is a search tool for stuff like this.|||ask for what state their in then if they say the same one say me too city?

How do i find people to invest in my internet cafe?

I am looking for investors to open achain of internet cafes, how do I find the right people ?|||Develop a business plan that shows that it would be a worthwhile investment....If it appears to be, then you shouldn't have a problem finding investors...

But your business plan needs to be pretty rock-solid! (well researched etc.)|||You will need to develop a extensive business and project plan.

When looking at investors they will want to see a return on there money normally within 2 - 4 years.

You need to detail running costs, wages, marketing etc etc.

This plan will need to be very detailed.

The shops will need to funky and appeal to a certain type of demographic of people which you will need to research.

Check out the free eBook below this will give you some ideas for online marketing etc.

Cheers|||Go visit your local SBDC - Small Business Development Center - they provide free counseling to get you started.

Where can I find people to share their car rental experience?

I started a site and was curios to know if the community knew where I can find people to post their car rental experience where good or bad.|||post here

How do you find people you saw at a restaurant?

It's really crazy so please don't judge me people. Okay my mother and I went to an Olive Garden in Addison Texas. And it was this drop dead sexy host. And he wouldn't stop looking at me and I fell for him. It's really crazy I'm not desperate it's just I been having dreams and all crazy thoughts about him. Can someone tell me how to find him|||Ring this number ask who was working on Thursday at the time you went in (describe him if needed) 972-239-9096!|||just ask him out.Get his number simple enough, you dont have to stalk him that's just plain creepy?

Where can I find people who are interested in GED tutoring?

I am looking to tutor people for the GED test. I've advertised on craigslist with no luck. Where else can I find them?|||Call school system

for your area

Maybe they give

class and could

use your help


Monday, December 19, 2011

Where can I find people who want to buy website designs?

Hi guys.

I am an excellent web designer and I really want to sell my creations to people.

Only problem is I cant find any :/

Does anyone know anywhere or anyone who will pay me for designing a website for them?


Ryan.|||Try these sites (some may no longer be up and running. I haven't checked them in a while.)





Good luck.

Where can I find the opportunity to paint buildings for other people?

Leonardo Da Vinci painted for numerous people, but he didn't just paint canvases. He painted famous buildings and houses that made his work well known. Now, I want to do the same. I want to paint buildings of large companies and one day paint the white house. However, I don't know where I can find people willing to give me such an opportunity. I want a chance to engrave my name in history and paint the largest monument ever. How can I do this? Where can I find these opportunities?|||You can take the profession of painting buildings, but what Leonardo Da Vinci was painting were frescoes.|||Wasn't Leonardo Da Vinci a successful Singer figure?

How do i find people in my area on tumblr?

I've been wondering about this for a while. Any ideas on what is a good way to find/follow/connect with people on tumblr who live in the same city or state? Are there any logs on tumblr that deal with this type of thing?|||There isn't because it's not facebook but you could try posting a text post asking people to re blog it if they are from (blank) area and tag it with where your from.

How could I find people in my area?

OK. This may sound like a weird question. I'm Lithuanain and I want to find some other Lithuanian people in my area. How could I do that? Internet does not help because the town I live in is not too big. Any suggestions?|||1. Contact the nearest Lithuanian / East European association to where you live.

2. Scan through your local telephone directory for Lithuanian surnames.

3. Wear a badge with the Lithuanian flag (or other form of identification) when you are out in public.

4. Ask your local authority if they have any information.

Where can I find people willing to help me make sprites?

I need help designing sprites for making flash games (sidescrolling). Where can I find people who might be able to help?|||Depends how much you are paying.

How do I find people to join a class action lawsuit?

I-95 Toyota in GA out right lied to me and also has deceptive practices. Every time I go to try and get a problem resolved I see about 3 other angry people. Today I had enough. I was told I won $50, then I got there and they said, "I don't know who told you that..."

I have finally had it! What ever happened to personal responsibility, honesty and just pain being a decent member of the human race?

How can I find others to join in this lawsuit?

Thanks!|||You could do it through classified ads: E.g., Have you been the victim of deceptive business practices by . . . ?" But, you don't have to find a lot of people if you believe there's a specific practice or policy they have that's unlawful and affects a large number of people. It only takes one individual to serve as a named plaintiff in a class action lawsuit--as long as there are a large number of others, even if not identified, who have been harmed by the same practice. This is something to discuss with a lawyer who will be able to evaluate your potential case.|||i got involved with a class action through last year. they actually helped me find other people in the same situation. good luck!|||ADVERTISE.|||Good luck! finding other people

How do I find people who want the kind of paintings I produce?

I am an artist who lives in a remote area, and it is expensive for me to get to a city of any decent size. I have a website for my art, but are there places on the internet I might find people who are looking for the kind of art I have to sell, besides Ebay? (If I want to sell paintings for practically nothing, I can do that where I live.)|||There is a new site set up for exactly what you are looking for.|||network to an art gallery. People who usually go there are loaded!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|||GO TO E-BAY!! Best place ever! If not go to google and type in I want to sell a painting and it should give you something!|||list them on ebay and, plus there are many other auction type website out there that are as ligit as ebay and amazon.|||check out other site.....u shud do some research if ur having a business|||try|||If you really want to make it, the best suggestion I can give you is to move nearer to places that can sell your art.Some people will have success on ebay but not everyone even if they're good.I find it's an expensive proposition if your paintings don't sell.You should try and find out if you can get a government grant.Please post a link to your site .You might get more specific info for the type of pictures you are making.Good luck!|||YOU HAVE THE RIGHT IDEA FOR EXPOSING OTHERS TO YOUR ART VIA THE INTERNET!!IF YOU SHOW THE PIECES THAT YOU DO AS PART OF YOU WEBPAGE OR BACKGROUND ART ON %26lt;WWW.MYSPAC.COM%26gt; PAGE;YOU ARE EXPOSING YOUR WORK TO 50 BILLION POTENTIAL VIEWERS AND POTENTIAL CLIENTS AND BUYERS!!I DON'T KNOW YOUR LOCATION;HOWEVER IF YOU WANT MORE IN-DEPTH REFERENCES TOWARD YOUR STATED GOALS;YOU MUST BE A LITTLE MORE FORTHCOMING WITH YOUR PARTICULAR GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION AND REGIONS INVOLVED!!BEST OF LUCK!!I AM AN ARTIST A/SCULPTOR AND CALLIGRAPHER MYSELF AND I INVITE YOU TO E-MAIL ME AT ANY TIME OF THE DAY OR NIGHT OR SEASON FOR FURTHER AID THAT I MIGHT BE ABLE TO OFFER YOU IN COMPLETE TRUST!!

Where do people find treatment for mental illness?

The thing is I am a college student and I am trying to find people who can answer my question about where you can find treatment for mental health, an example would be where can you go on the internet for help or some places people can go for treatment for mental health.|||beer and twinkies|||Try a pshychaitrist|||The best place to start is with your own family doctor. Even general physicians are part of a larger medical community, and they have basic knowledge that can get you started, and the connections to make sure you see someone who can help you. If you haven't a family doctor, then the hospital or university doctor would be a good place to start as well. You don't even need the internet or knowledge on the condition or specialists available. You start with the medical professionals, who likely know more than you do, and go from there.|||1. Mental Health Clinics----2. Referal to mental health professional by your family physican---3. Irrational behavior gets a court order for psych exam (opens the prospect of treatment. Under no circumstances should one look for treatment from the internet--assistance in finding a local treatment program, but not for treatment or diagnosis from something read on the internet

Dr. Tommy Skelton|||Do not say "Mental illness". Say "Mental disorder".

Please contact a Psychiatrist in your town.

You can refer %26lt;; for anxiety disorders. [Generalized Anxiety Disorder路 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)路 Panic Attacks and Panic Disorder路 Phobic Disorders路 Stress Disorders]|||I highly suggest that you start with your campus clinic or counselling center. Look into resources such as these on your campus.|||For people looking for cheap ways to treat their depression and anxiety problems. Here are real success stories.|||well, this ispretty obvious.

any doctor you see can send you to a psychiatric counselor.

even a general practitioner can prbably perscribe you anti-depressants.

How i can find mobile nos of people using internet in India only?

I have searched internet to find out,but there is no site for finding people using mobile no.or vice versa in India only.|||You can't do that using the web. It is only possible to know the region from where the SIM was bought.

To know about the subscriber of any mobile no, you have to contact the customer care of that network, and have to give a valid reason why you need to know about the subscriber.

Where can I find people to help promote my online shopping store and split profits on each sale?

I am trying to find people who can help me promote my online shopping store: I have a few banners, can anyone help me find a place where I can find people to help me.

I do not want affiliate links...this is not what I am asking for. If you can help me promote then reply to my question.|||Hi there. You should be able to do this without giving up your profits. There are many free marketing solutions for websites. Here are just a few ideas... Post continual ads on free sites such as craigslist and remember do more than just your direct area, post or create blogs with your websites names and product info, create a myspace account for your business, use your ebay store to push people to your open site, etc. For paid advertising use pay per clicks, set up with a company such as ReachLocal, etc. Also, if this is a business and not a hobby upgrade your store to a more professional site. The problem with some less expensive sites is a total lack of personal branding. Open a site with a logo, about us, information page, etc. Your current site looks like one of so many used by drop shippers across the world, many of whom are not trustworthy in what they offer. Give your buyer some confidence.

How to find serious people for job?

Please, can someone give me advice how to find serious people for serious business opportunity that I offer.

I have a lot of asks but mostly from people who want to became rich over night. Where can I find people who want to work and get paid for that?|||ill work and im serious. what job are you offering?|||It's not always about looks, just because a person looks Intelligent, doesn't mean they're the best person. Like if you have a trashy person walk up in there, but they are determined to work for you...well dammit you should hire them. No discrimination.|||You are going to have to post and add either on Monster, Careerbuilder, or on Craigslist. You can also buy access to resumes on Monster and Careerbuilder and contact people directly.

How commonly are creditors using IP addresses these days to find people who owe money?

how is in Britain this way or not too, if know? how and why it is in the USA..if you owe past isnt even safe to register with your phone company online to pay bills etc? do creditors have ways to access this information and find people that owe for past bills, money etc?

please explain how legal and how common?

how different in britain too, if know?

please explain what you can.

thanks for your anserws!|||This is not possible, either in USA or UK.

IP addresses belong to the Internet Service Provider (ISP) not you. When you change ISP (or move house) you get a new IP.

When you are 'roaming' using a mobile phone, you get a LOCAL IP (like 192.168.x.x) assigned to your phone by the base station / router ... that base station has the INTERNET IP (not your phone).|||They don't! It's tracked by your credit file. You can register anywhere to pay bills online, however the company may choose to not take your custom either way (online or not) once they read your credit file.

How to find people interest in get know a tipical small city in Brazil?

I live in a very small city in northwest, I'd like to find interested people in come here, get know aour culture, costums etc...|||I am sure there are several people interested already, I know I am.

You have to prove it is safe and make sure the tourists are not criminals.

Open a website try magazine adds but website is so simple and cheap.

Or Contact your local tourism board

I would join you but right now I am broke

sin dinero.|||If you can try making your own website about it

or a myspace page that talks about it

Where can one find people interested in questions, answers and discussion of basketball?

This sucks. I come here to mingle with people who share the same interest that I do--basketball. The menu to the left reads Sports and then basketball. That is what I expect to find here. I know that there are all sorts of facets to basketball and not all are my cup of tea. So, I skip those question and answers and am happy that there is something related to basketball here for everyone.

But it is more and more difficult to ignore the crap. It isn't interesting. It isn't funny (12 year olds have a more sophisticated level of humor than bodily functions). It isn't shocking, daring, interesting or anything.

It is just plain stupid and incredibly immature.

I know the menu to the right reads "basketball" but that can't be right.

So, fellow basketball fans I ask you, where does one go to find other folks and have questions, answers and discussions related to basketball?

And will you join me there? Let's escape this madness together.|||I'm a fan of the ESPN nba message boards. Depending on which team(s) you follow, you may have more opportunity for discussion. If all else fails, the NBA general board is usually very active. The link is in the source section.|||Stop being so serious, some people just like to have some fun.|||maybe the nba forums..|||Go to Happy Hour, then read the questions

after you had a few, its more interesting that way.|||lighten up have some fun this probably the only place you can talk about sports without paying 25 ******* dollars or being on ESPN|||there are basketball forums out there. i'll join the club if you find a good one!|||Hey, O'Malley. Hang around here. Things have been messed up lately and some people have gotten out of hand but there are still some interesting questions being asked by some great people. You just have to look harder to find 'em (the questions and the people.)

There are basketball forums but many are specific to various teams. Not many are generalized like this area. Have you tried some of the Suns fans forums?|||Like a former president used to say "I feel your pain". Yep, the sign on the door reads 'basketball' and that is what I expect when coming here. The maturity level stinks. And don't think it is kids because there have been some kids on here with neat questions and answers. Besides maturity and immaturity comes in all ages. If you find a place that has college/NBA and overseas basketball fans, let me know.|||Just take a break from here. Don't sign on every day. You can block people. The only good it does is that in the list of questions you know to not even bother reading the questions with the big red sign. You can skip through the list quickly.|||What kind of basketball.Old or new.maybe i could be of some help|||I definitely agree, all the people here who fool around and ask stupid questions like KING and he rest of his family should please leave and find another section to talk in.||| to read about it. has forums has forums (mostly fantasy related) to read stuff (they may have forums)|||I would in general agree with you about things going downhill around here. But I signed on tonight and there are a plethora of great questions and answers going on.

I don't know why tonight is different but it is nice.

So, there's hope O'Malley. Maybe take a break like the other guy said and come back.|||We are here. We heard ya!|||You are really not fun. My college professor is more fun than you. If you want to talk basketball, I guess then report those people.......just trying to have fun.

How do I find people to play Dragon Quest 9 with?

I don't have any friends who play it...My sister has a DS, but she refused to buy it...I really want to play with other people, but I don't know how to find people to play with.|||sorry bro, but that game doesn't have wifi multiplayer. only local multiplayer. maybe you can buy it as a gift for a friend so they can play it with you?

What is the best way to find people who are interested in buying natural,non-chemical products?

Would like to start building a customer base promoting household cleansers, hygeine products, make up and food that are not harmful to the environment or ourselves...especially our kids. Any suggestions how to find possible customers within the yahoo community? Really excited about the company...backed by the BBB. Realize that many people are hesitant about changing their ways but this company has great credentials. Would love to hear back from anybody that has been successful in the past.|||I think that is a fantastic idea Kristy. Some good ways to promote your environmentally friendly products could be at environmental conventions, markets, at college or uni. Maybe you can try talking to already established organic stores and try to convince them to stock/sell your products. Try advertising on line, local papers, and letter drops. Good luck with your great idea.|||Natural products are chemicals, so what purpose does your question serve?|||Please give me an example of a non-chemical product. Everything, including you, is made from chemicals.

Where do I find people getting married?

I want to start my business making wedding gowns and would like to do it initially from home due to my limited resources. Considering I don't have a store front, or a big marketing budget, any ideas on where I can find customers? I thought about going to where people get marriage licenses but I doubt they will give me any info, much less name of people I can contact.|||A friend of mine does this also... so here is my advice...

Before you start looking around you need to make 10 - 15 very good dresses and have them ready. Nobody will hire you for this very important day unless they can see several examples of your work ahead of time. Next have professional pictures of your dresses taken with attractive girls wearing them (In very nice areas)... holding flowers etc.. Just like she would look if she was on her wedding day. A decent wedding photographer could probably do this for you and make it look great (although this will set you back $2,500+). Next have a professional album made with your photos so that you have something to take to brides when you recieve phone calls.

Now... your are ready to advertise...

Set up a triangular display at the mall (in the middle of the walkway) with a single enlarged (24X30") photo on each side. Have a table with business cards next to it... You will have 10,000 people a day walking by your display so make it nice. You will probably have to pay a few hundred dollars a month to the mall but... it should offset easily if you are good.

Best of Luck.|||use flayers|||churches... there are program for engaged couples.... preparation for marriage|||you can advertise with distribution of smallpamplets to be sent in with newspapers or dropped along with the other mails.. as it may be possible.

or you identify the busiest place in town and the busiest day and hire a person to distribute the pamplets with your design detials and contact number, this will be a good value drieven advertising..|||By tghe time they get the license, they've already got the dress.

Bridal fairs might be an idea. Or flyers around college campuses?|||How about Reception Halls - people need to book them well in advance, and they might be willing to sell their contacts (they will likely not just give them to you for free). Ditto florists, caterers, wedding cake bakers, wedding planners, and photographers.

You could also check into buying a list of subscribers in your geographic area for Bride and wedding magazines.

How do you find people to send friend vouchers to in Metroid Prime 3?

When I finished Metroid Prime 3, I had found all of these friend vouchers, but don't have any friends with the game. I was wondering if I can find people to send them to so I can get the extras. Also, I have a few other questions consering the game.

1: When you exchange friend vouchers, how many do you get and send?

2: Can you send more than 1 to 1 person?

3: Is there something special in hyper mode diffuculty, or is it just harder?

thanks for answering!|||1)You get as many as the person wants to send you.

2)Yes but you still have to send them one at a time.

3)It is a lot harder.

If you want to trade vouchers with me here is my wii code 6741 9976 8032 7391 my system name is Luigi.

I'm going to need your friend code and your system name I have 20 vouchers and I'll trade you 1 per voucher.

How should I find people to advertise on my website, and how much do I charge them?

I run a soccer equipment review website, and while we are sent free products by companies, we don't have any real source of income or revenue. We would like people or companies to advertise on our site, but how do we go around finding advertisers? And when we do find them, how much do we charge?|||You may want to start by participating in ad networks. Advertising networks are organizations that aggregate Web sites that offer advertising space, and sell banner ads (and other advertising options) across them. Traffic requirement is often a minimum of 5,000 monthly impressions, although many do not accept sites hosted by free page services.

Burst Media

Fastclick (ValueClick).

Tribal Fusion

Participate in contextual advertising networks. Contextual advertising are text ads delivered based on the content of the web page using an automated system.

Google Adsense

Yahoo! Publishing Network (currently in beta and available to US publishers only)


Quigo Adsonar


Commission Junction Evolution

Kanoodle Brightads鈥?/a>





Also use Affiliate Programs where you sell other people's products that your audience may be interested in; and you get a certain commission after the desired action was done (whether a sale, a lead, subscription to email newsletter, or however this is defined)

Commission Junction

Linkshare|||The best thing is to get a good pagerank and good traffic, then start searching webmaster forums and advertise your website. I used

to help me establish a good pagerank and i'm now charging advertisers 45$/month for a text link!|||Great looking site! Have you tried affiliate programs. You can sign up with places like the Sports Authority, *****, Google, etc. If someone clicks on an ad and buys something you get a commission. Do some research then when you build traffic like they said those types of revenue will come to you but this is a great free way to earn some extra and ads to your site. You can include banners, etc.

Even a Google Search box on your site can earn you some money. You have to build a reputation, and ranking the rest will come to you.|||until you are getting 10,000 visitors a day to your website, you won;t even get anyone willing to pay $5.00 a month to advertise|||An online advertisement campaign is like any ad campaign... only it's online - on the web.

If you have products or services to sell and are advertising them via T.V., newspapers, brochures, etc. it is time you took your promotions online. Why? The number of net surfers is increasing at a rapid rate and studies have shown that people are spending more and more time on the web. Buying products online is convenient, hassle-free and easy.

How to find people with a common interest on Facebook?

My friend is throwing a charity softball tournament this weekend and I'm trying to find people in my area that may like to form a team or play on a team. I'm sure there are a ton of people with Facebook in my area that play, but I'm having trouble finding them. Is there any way to search by common interest and have it come up with people that aren't just the friends I already have?|||I believe all you can really do is click on that person(s) name and if they have filled in some information on their profile page then you can find out if that person has common interests. I do not believe you can view any specific information on people that are not your friends on facebook.|||I'd suggest you to try Facebook Search site listed below. It allows to search all stuff on Facebook by keywords and doesn't require logging in. So, you may write Location, Interests , any info. Try different keywords combinations.|||Nope There is no Way to Search by Interest at this Time|||i think that guy bounty hunter is a retard. awe...

How can I find people on WoW to do Quests with?

How can I find people on WoW to do Quests with? It seems all the guilds I join are full of people that are off doing their own Quests, Quests I've never even heard of because they are much higher than me. I am a low lvl player for now, lvl 14, but I play everyday, getting bored of completing quests on my own, just wondering how everyone else seems to pair up on WoW...any tips please?|||You can also join general chat channel and there should be people of your current level in the zone that you are working on quests in that also need help... if there isn't anyone saying they need help, type in that you want to work with someone that is your can also type this into trade chat in a major city to see if anyone else needs help.|||There is also a special button when looking for groups. It should between the social button and options button. Just click and select what your reason is: a dungeon, a quest, or just leveling. It'll put you in a queue.

It'll let you know if when it finds groups in need, around your level.

(Note: Sometimes you'll find something quick. Sometimes much longer.)|||go to the Looking For Group channel and search for a Group for a Zone might find someone

leave current guild and maybe ask in Trade channels for guilds that like to help others level up

How to find people or information about people?

My great-grandmother was wanting me to find someone who was over seas serving with her late husband. Any one know what site is good for finding people or at least information about them? I think this really means a lot to her and I have yet to be able to find a good site that doesn't require payment.|||Sometimes you can find people on Facebook and MySpace. If that fails try:

If they own property or have recently sold property, some states property tax records are online and a few states have probate records online. You will be able to find little else online.

There are companies that specialize in background checks to screen potential employees for companies that could be helpful in locating someone or you could hire a private detective.|||There are almost all sites offer free options but that will be useless if you want details of a person.|||

How do I find people who have amazon accounts?

Is there a way (on line or not?) to find people who have an Amazon account?

I need people to review my book.|||Just give it to Amazon to review. They will take care of getting it reviewed and sold.

Where can I find people to pokemon battle with online in pokemon platinum?

Is there some sort of online community or website where I can just find people to battle with and register them in my Pal Pad. Im training for a tournament but I really want to try PvP battling to see how good I am...but I cant find anyone.|||Look up "Pokemon Forums" on Google, a lot of them tend to have a wi-fi part to their Forums. Two of which I recommend is the Pokemon Community and Serebii forums of which have been booming with players since the new relase of pokemon Platinum. I'm sure you will find a challenge there|||Well theres my site very active always someone in the chat. We have 645 members and we are always welcoming more.|||The Smogon and Marriland forums are good places for that. Note that they set certain rules though.

What tournament by the way?

How can I find people with myasthenia gravis?

Hi, I have myasthenia gravis and I would like to find out how to find people who have it too. I know about the, but I need more references. Please help.|||if you google it and add forums to it, you may find some that way.

Find people?

how do you find there a directory|||hope this help

Advanced People Locate Search

Find people?

i will like to help me find a guy name verniot estherling living an america dob on 06/28/1980 from in haiti|||Sorry , you question is not clear .

Please add more information .

You can add more information in French if you like.

How do you find people who listen to the same music as you and live near you on facebook?

How do you find people who listen to the same music as you and live near you on facebook?|||well you cant really you might need to ask them a few questions and hopefully you get the answer you want.|||drive around with loud speakers and ask people do they like that music

How can I find people to sponsor me for a pageant I am participating in?

I will be participating in a pageant but we need to get people to sponsor us financially, to help with certain expenses like travelling expenses, wardrobe and others. How do I find, and go about asking people to sponsor me? Thanks|||Start by asking your family, anything that they can give. Whether its 5, 10, or 15 dollars it will help. Then go to your friends and ask them, they might be able to pitch in a few dollars, and if they can, great! Then you will want to start going to businesses and places of work. Just walk in and ask to speak to the manager (make sure you dress the part!), basically you're going to talk to him about what this pageant is, why you want to be in it, and how it will benefit you as a young woman. They will either tell you yes or no right there, but always make sure to tell them thank you.

Hope this helps, and feel free to contact me with any questions you might have in the future!

Find people?

how can i find people?|||Watch the movie "THE JERK" Steve Martin do what the guy does in the movie that picks him out of the local phone book without the shotgun.|||You can look out your window. Chances are that when a car drives by, someone is in it.

On a more serious note, your best bets are probably social gatherings or online meeting sites.|||depends what kind you wanna find.|||you can find people by traveling to different places. good luck. have patience. try the clubs, stores, etc

Find people?

how can i find people in yahoo if i know only his avatar name? this block ad me in his istant messanger but i dont know who is it!!! HOW CAN I FIND OUT?|||Copy and paste my link to your browser. Add their messenger avatar ID. Click enter on keyboard.

Find people?

how do you find people on yahoo|||Find people on Yahoo!

Find people?

what is a good free site i can use to find people by there name or by there ssn|||If the person is trying to hide, you will find it difficult to search for them using obvious sources like on-line telephone books. It's going to take some digging.

The people who charge you use many of the same sources you already have access to. Court records are great! They are public records, and many places have them posted on-line for searching. Some states/counties have driving offenses posted. You can also do name searches for tax records and property.

All these will go is give you clues. The best source is to access credit report records. You will need to hire a professional to get those.|||Try directory assistance plus|||There really arent any sites for free that will help you find people if they are not listed.

There are people who have access to other means that can help you.

Email me and I will help you out.|||Free people search tips and resources -

People search directories

Looking for travel buddies in Spain, where do I find people to travel with?

My wife and I are planning a trip to Madrid and Barcelona for late October 2011. We are looking for other people to travel with who have common interests (aka see the city, night life, etc). Anyone knows where to find others with interest in travelling?

Nothing weird pls.|||Hello, i think the best place to find your travel buddies is where you live. For example, the youth hotel or the hostel, etc. Good luck and enjoy Spain, Barcelona is extremely beautiful!|||Not really aware of any sites where you can check this sort of trip out. I guess you could put an advert in a local paper, maybe find someone that way? You could try the YHA (Youth Hostels) they are for all ages and many have notice boards where people are looking for car shares/travelling companions. Maybe a phone call or email to them for advice and information?

Good luck with it and enjoy your trip.

How is it so easy for other people to find people?

How is it that random people can just bump into each other then all of a sudden start going out with each other? Is it luck or do they have something i dont? Some people seem to find people so easily, and i can't seem to find a girl. I know how stupid it sounds to think about people can meet by destiny, but with the many relationships i've seen, im conseidering the possibility of destiny. But what does destiny have in store for me then?

What is wrong with me? (no hurtfull comments please)|||Ill say it in the timeless words of Judas Priest

"Well I said it before, and Ill say it again; You get nothin for nothin, expect it when you're backseat driving and your hands aint on the wheel"

instead of observing waht other people do, go out and do it. go meet people and talk to them. it isnt as hard as one makes it seem.

How do I find out background information about people?

I work for a storage company and we want to find people who owe us money so they can pay us.|||what information are you looking for? which location are you at and which country? In canada we have, there's also special software you can get. Or if you're in the states go to You can get government listings on just about everyone dating back years and years. Maybe you can pinpoint their last location so you can collect your money or at least find their relatives.

How can I find people i've recently played with on xbox live?

I was playing online yesterday with some people I want to add to my friends list. But before I had the chance my internet went down and I was signed out of the game. I have tried to find them on the xbox website recent players section, but it only displays the last 50 and they're not on there. Does anyone know how I can find them? I don't know their

full xbox live gamertag so can't find them in the normal way.|||First, hit the xbox dashboard button. (the silver one on your controller.

Next, go to your friends.

Then, if you go right twice, it should pop up your recent players list.

:)|||'go to your friends thing where you view all your friends than move your thumbstick all the way to the left and theres a list of all your recent players.|||Sorry you can only view the last 50 but you can try looking by pressing the center xbox button on. Your controler then go to your friends list and scroll all the way to the right and it will show your recent friends.

Where can I find local people interested in literature?

I'm in a town that doesn't have a great deal of people that are interested in literature, or they are just hiding. I'm just trying to find places to go to find people who may be interested in it, but I'm not entirely sure where to start. Any suggestions?|||Ask around at libraries and bookstores; some of them have readings, poetry nights, book clubs, etc. whether literary-minded people congregate.

How to find people looking for old, rare, or antique books?

I have a small collection of books that I am trying to sell. I have looked on other websites but cannot find what I am looking for.

I was hoping that someone might know how to find people who are looking for rare or old books.|||when i'm looking for sites i look for blogs most time you may find what your looking for . like this blog|||ebay or antique stores.|||ebay!|||use ebay my friend. they'll come to you.

Why can i not find people on facebook who use the app Areyouinterested?

Why can i not find people on facebook who use the app Areyouinterested. Maybe i am not searching correctly but i believe i am. Or is it that facebook is doing this on purpose so that you have to become a paying member of this app and they benefit.|||Broken app......... sorry!

Where can I find a family tree to find people related to Chinese Emperors?

My friend, who came from China said he was related to Cao Pi of Wei, I wanted to know if that was true. Also, I wanted to find out how to see if certain people were related to eachother. (I wanted to see if Lu Xun, Lu Su, Lu Meng, Lu Fan, and Lu Bu were all related somehow)|||

How do you find people on facebook?

I've had myspace for years, but I've just now made a facebook. I know that on myspace if you want to find random people to add, you can either check in groups or browse users. What do you do on facebook to find people to add?|||u type their name on the search engine and it will show u everyone of facebook with the name...u can also look at friends in common with ur other friends who most likely have ur friends|||There is a search bar in facebook at upper right on facebook home page. Write your search term there and search whatever you wanna search.

How can I find people who may wish to make small investments in a new company ?

How can I find people who may wish to make small investments in my new company, details of which are on my website TNSB HOLDINGS.COM, in order that I can secure 'Patent Applications' which would then be leased enabling the structure of a PLC company that would research; develop; construct and operate a business that would have an annual revenue of 拢1.4B.|||you would have no problem at any bank at all if anyone seriously thought you could make even half off that amount.|||Yes you can find people who are also looking and willing to invest in new companies which are about to start or just have started, these people are called venture capitalists, business angels or private investors who are available across the country but you need to find them.

I can suggest you one source where you can find all the details of the venture capitals across the UK or any part of the world.|||You might check out Kiva:

I love this site. They are doing some really great things!

Also, your site link doesn't seem to be working. There's a space. I'm guessing it should be a dash, underscore or just not there? :)


Easy Business Website|||To get that sort of turnover you'd need serious money to be invested. Take your business plan to a bank and see what they have to say

How can I find people by location on Facebook?

Im not sure how to find people by location on facebook. Lets say that im not looking for anyone specific. I just type in something like Pittsburgh, PA and all the accounts from pittsburgh show up. How can i do that?|||type it in the search box then click "more" last option then on the left there should be a location tab

Friday, December 16, 2011

How can I find random people to chat with on Skype?

So I just downloaded Skype and I'd like to just randomly chat with some people. I'm in SkypeMe mode, but I don't know how to find other people who are. Every person I click on is offline! How can I find people who are online and want a random chat?|||at the top go to Chat - start public chat - and follow the wizard instructions.:)|||Sorry assumed you had windows. Txs

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Where do I find people who want to start their own business?

I have a business opportunity that is a wonderful, ligit opportunity and tons of information about it, but I want to know where I can find people who want to work it.|||I posted some links to articles about networking.

Hope that helps! I wish you much success %26amp; happiness in all your ventures!|||i got one person for you to contact about your biz opportunity. You can contact him at|||Start a website and promote the fact that you are looking for people.|||i am interested.

How do i find people online to sign up with my business that im offering?

Any ways i can post what im offering online?

any websites you might know, or ways to find people online.

thanks.|||You may also want to try

Good Luck!|||You have to first add value. Let people join you and not your business. Become attractive as a person that adds value to a business opportunity. Value comes from learning how to market online, close deals, promote websites etc. When someone recognizes you as the leader, they will chase you to join.

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|||Yes craigslist is the best free method to advertize your business but make sure you now how to properly do it.|||It really depends on what you are offering. Is it a tangible product? Service you provide? Who is your target market?

Depending on what it is, you will go about it in different ways.

Good luck.

Where can I find people to test an erotic story on?

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

How do I find people who want to make money taking photos of real estate?

How do I find people who want to make money taking photos of real estate?|||We would love to offer our services. Where are you located?|||People are looking for cool jobs if there worth having but first they have to know what state your in and if they needed their own equipment.|||Where are you? I've done that, making even the saddest look good is my favorite thing!|||Why not sounds ok to me, Just tell me where in the world would you like to start. Anywheres good with me except the middle east at the moment!|||I LOVE TOTAKE PHOTOS ! AND REAL GOOD AT IT!!!LOL|||craigs list works pretty well|||Well i am am a pro in it. Right now i am serving the Harbor Light in many. Know i do it out my heart so i don't look for money.|||Advertise it, like put it on Craig's list........|||I will do it as long as it in my general area.

How do you find people who listen to the same music as you and live near you on facebook?

How do you find people who listen to the same music as you and live near you on facebook?|||Hi,

You will need to create a Facebook Fan page.

Its very easy. provides a wizard that can help you create a fan page.

But you are looking for successful Fan page that can get you the relevant users who live near you and listen to same music. For this type of fan page, i suggest you to buy $20 Guide from FacebookGuru ( and see how they explain to get 3000+ fans in only 30 days.

How do I find people with mortgage note?

I鈥檓 looking for people with mortgage note. Do you have any or do you know of someone that has any? I have unlimited sources of cash to purchase any note. If you find me a note that we closed the deal I will pay you 50/50 of my interest.

Please send me your information. Thanks|||If you don't know the answer to that question, you're not qualified to do the deal.|||Why would someone want a private, unlicensed lender at a premium rate of interest instead of a licensed legitimate lending institution to do their loan, unless you have something shady going on?

How do you find people with very common names on the Facebook?

Lets say you are looking for somebody with a very common surname such as Smith, Brown, James etc. If you know their name , surname, and age. The Facebook would have at least 10 000 people listed under Smith. How would you find him? Are there short cuts?|||Get their email and type that email in the search. If that doesn't work,(sometimes it doesn't work) ask your friend what their profile picture looks like. Or you could look in your friend's friends. Maybe they are friends with the person you want to add as friend.|||Try to track possible mutual friends and explore from his/her name from the friends' friends list.|||Get their e-mail from them in person and try to search for them that way.. or search for their school as well

How to I find people to follow on wordpress?

I joined last night and want to follow some blogs, none of my friends have wordpress so how can I find people from all over the world?|||You could start by following me! I'm at Then, you can just do a search on wordpress for the tags you're interested in. Just keep searching, but must first come to mine and follow. Enjoy!|||Does it have to be Wordpress?

If not then use google blog search :) just type in your interests and you will see a list coming up.

How do i find new people to hang out with?

Most of the people I hang out with are really different from me. I'm tired of "losing myself" to them. I mean, I'm tired of doing and saying things that aren't me.

I'm at a small community college. I can meet people here but how do I find people to actually hang out with. I don't want to seem weird for asking people if they want to hang out. Especially since most people here already have pre-established groups of friends.|||do not try to find someone, they will find you. "birds of a feather" rule will surface. just be in an open space and you will see

How can i find ways to find people who want different photos taken?

i would like to know how i can find people online to take their wedding or any parties they are haveing in the hampton or richmond area.|||Try advertising on Craigslist. I always see new photographers on there. Some good, some not so good. Good luck.

How can I find a list of the names of people who graduated with me?

I'm trying to find people I graduated with but I can't remember how to spell their last names. Is there some site that has a list of graduates from 2005?|||If you don't have your yearbooks or the program from your graduation?

Obviously, myspace, facebook has people who signed up for your school. Another site is, but I'm not sure how popular that site is now that you have sites like facebook.

To get a complete list of graduates, check your high school and y ear on google, they might still have a page "cached".

Or go to your local library, I'm sure they will have your paper there from the year you graduated, scanned in or microfiche.|||You could try or look in an old yearbook if you have it? Also, if you have facebook, you can search your high school by graduation year.|||Go to the school, they will give you a list for 1 dollar.|||Do you not still have your old annuals? That would be where I would look.||||||

How to find people who need a Google Wave Invitation for Sharing XMind Maps?

I have extra Google Wave invitations. I would like to collaborate with other XMind Maps users so we can figure out the best way to monetize an XMind Map. Where is the best place to find such people?|||I looked at your XMind Map on how to get Page 1 Rank on Google

See the source box for what Apple has to say about XMind Maps. Maybe you can find an Apple forum to connect with the people you are looking for?|||Charles Darwin

How to find people who are in bankruptcy?

There is a program that will find people in your area that are in bankruptcy.|||why would u want to? are you trying to collect on a debt? if so, they are protected under laws. are u trying to scam them into getting something cuz u think they now have money? or some other reason? people in bankruptcy have enough on their plate to deal with....leave 'em alone!

How to find people to hang out with on a cruise?

I am going on a cruise with my family this summer and I am 18. My younger brother is 16 so he will be doing all the teen activities but those stop at 17 and I don't particularly want to hang out with 17 and unders. What are ways to find people in my age range to hang out with while on a cruise? I am not allowed to bring a friend with me.|||Pool, clubs, even dinner! There will be so many people on the ship, you most definately will find someone that interests you!!|||definitely the pool area or the bar (if allowed) are the best locations to meet new people

also, just approach people and talk to them. ask them where they're from? who they're with? what sports they play? music? etc etc

don't worry about what they're going to think of you.. whats the chance that you'll ever see them again anyways? its a lot easier to be friendly if you just relax, crack a few jokes, and live it in the moment.

I'm also 18 and just returned from a trip with only my mother. There was no friend with me to 'break the ice' so i had to find some people to bond with :) It was nice because she'd go to sleep and i'd go out at night and just approach people and talk to them. by the end of the trip i knew at least 25% of the people at the resort!

Have fun, take lots of pictures, and get some names so you can facebook all the new people you meet!! :)|||IM 18 too and i was on a cruise last week..i have bad luck because they were just a few teens in the cruise so....I meet one guy he was 19, because since the first day he was always looking at me, he was cute so I just look at him too. and then he come and talk to me..but....I have more fun whit some guy that actually works at the cruise all up to you and the people in your cruise|||Hang out at the pool. By far the best place on the cruise.

How do I find random people my age on myspace?

I just want to be able to find people who are my age and live locally on myspace but I dont know how. Ive tried searching but I end up with people that dont fit any of my criteria.

So what do i do. if you just tell me to search, tell me what to search in the exact format.|||What your going to do is go to the friends tab, and go to browse, that way you can put in age, city/state, and stuff like that :)|||idk but not a good idea...|||Add a school to your schools option. It will help you find people in your area your own age. Also try yoville. Its fun and you can meet people your own age that you never have to meet in real life.|||browse ur location ? and put in ur age ? idk if you can do this anymore|||If you go to Browse then you can set your search criteria to male/female/both and you can select age ranges, etc. and there is a place where you can also type in a zip code and search people in a zip code and within a certain amount of miles from that zip code.. Good luck!!|||Use the MySpace "Browse" feature but set very tight parameters - age, height, weight, location (** miles from wherever you are)|||I bet there's a guy named Tom who wants to be your friend. Honestly though, it's pretty pathetic that not only can you not get real friends, you can't even get fake ones|||Go to my myspace ill walk u through it.

How to find people to hang with while on vacation?

I flew to South Florida from Michigan to spend time with my family, however, being as I'm not a regular in this area I know almost no one. I'm not sure how to find who might be available or looking for someone to spend time with. What would you do besides going to the bar like a complete creeper?

I'm 21 and have a fairly nice demeanor, so I'd be looking for people about the same.|||The club/bar. Beach. super-market.

How difficult was it for you to find other people who share your musical tastes?

I can't talk music with a single person in my life. Haven't found someone who shares musical taste with me. If I try to talk music with someone, the most common response I get is that I am just trying to look "tough and cool" or that I'm trying to seem rebellious or some bullshit.

I love doom and folk metal. *sigh*

So how hard was it for you to find people who share music tastes (or convert someone to your favorite music lol)?|||Pretty much some people here on R%26amp;P and a small amount of friends in real life have musical tastes similar to mind. It's moderately difficult finding others who like slowcore and stuff like that.|||Very difficult. I only know about 3-4 kids in my year who listen to metal. And guess what? Two of them only listen to metalcore and one listens to metalcore + some other good genres of metal. One of my good friends also listens to metal (I converted her lol), but she's more into melodic death and fast stuff. I haven't yet found anyone who shares my musical tastes. My favorite genre is doom/atmospheric metal. I love other subgenres too, especially Melodic and Technical Death.

Folk metal is pretty underrated, I know.

I just don't get how listening to metal means that you're trying to look "tough and cool" when this is the same with gangsta rap.|||I Know what you mean. It's so hard for me to find people who like Rock/Metal music like I do. But then my friend told me she like Rock music so it's been pretty hard since I only got one Rock Loving Friend. But it's easy to find people who like Rock online.|||I've never found someone who shares my music taste.

Classic rock, industrial metal, heavy metal, black metal, oldies, electro, Goth, darkwave, classical...|||I live in a small city that also happens to be the most isolated city in the world, are you guys even trying.|||The only people who even come close are you kind folks of R%26amp;P.

Best way to find people to do web design and programming work % in equity to get a website off the ground?

I have a website idea that I want to get going...

I am currently handling the business end of the website i.e business plan, executive summary, and contacting potential clients.

However I need to find people that could design the actual website.

I am a college grad, so paying for services is not an option...

What would be the best way to find that person?|||I have done developments on profit sharing (and still do), but it is a tricky business!

You can send me your idea, business plan and marketing strategy.

If you convince me, maybe!|||Find someone who wants to create a portfolio but don't expect commitment from the youth of today.

You could learn yourself.|||You'll need a time machine - people don't work on spec any more. The dot bomb implosion ended that. (Too many people had spent a year or two [or more] working on spec, only to see the companies disappear.)

Write it (learning how is free - there are tutorials all over the web) or pay for it - that's how it works now. Unless you're willing to give about 75% of the company to someone, and the expected profits are enough for him to retire nicely on.|||Hello there, there are only two options open for you. Go to a website tutorial and learn from there to create a website but mind you that is not as easy as it sounds especially if you are going for a Business website, second option is that you go and contact some professionals who do take money but not much.... You might wana look at the people are great at website designing and maintainance and also their charges are reasonably fair.|||One piece of advice I can give from personal experience is to be totally honest with potential collaborators from the get go. I can't tell you how many times people have come through our doors with some sort of pitch regarding their great idea and how they want us to grow with them and then we'll all get rich. If your idea is strong and you are honest about what you expect and what you are willing to give in return then you may just be able to convince somebody to take a gamble with you. Good luck

How do I find people/business to order wood products?

I have a complete wood shop and would like to find where to get orders for products that I can make and ship for people to sell. Dont want to get into the selling end of it, just enjoy making items, dont care what it is someone wants built, if I were able to find someone to place orders, for whatever, and sell them items at really great prices. Any ideas?|||What is it that you make? Are you thinking one of a kind custom made items? Mass producing items? A certain niche? You may need to take this into consideration first. You may want to hook up with someone in marketing. You could even go to a college and approach a professor in business and see if anyone would want to take it on as a as a business project.

Where can I find people to help me program/design a game I have in mind?

I have a game in mind that I've been planning for quite a while now. I have nearly everything planned out. There would be no setbacks as far as I know. Now I just need to find people capable of/ interested in making this happen. I need designers and programmers. Where's a good place (via the internet) I can contact, meet, and team up with people skilled and experienced in these areas?|||How do you plan on monetarily compensating the people who do the development work for you?||||||%26gt;There would be no setbacks as far as I know. clearly don't know a lot about designing games! There are almost always setbacks of some kind, you have to be ready for them.

%26gt;Where's a good place (via the internet) I can contact, meet, and team up with people skilled and experienced in these areas?

Depends on the scale of the project you're planning. Some professional-quality game applications are produced by teams of amateurs in their spare time, but the great majority of them are still proprietary ventures. And proprietary means spending money, which means some kind of financial model. Do you have the necessary funding on hand to go ahead with this sort of entrepreneurship? If not, can you find investors? Ultimately, if you don't already have experience in game design and business, your best bet might be to pitch your idea to some established game development company, rather than trying to put together a new one of your own. In any case, rather than asking on Yahoo Answers, you might want to head over to some game development forum, or email professional game designers for advice.

Remember, just about everyone who has ever played computer games has an idea for one (or ten, or a hundred) they would like to make. Relatively few of them ever even get to write their own game. Even fewer manage to sell one. It's a harsh world out there.

Where do I find people who like to play poker?

My son's baseball team is having a texas hold 'em poker tournament on June 29th, 2007 in Rockwall, Texas at the Rockwall Rotary club to raise money for the team to participate in a 12U super series baseball tournament. I don't play poker or know many people who do. Where would I find people to participate or advertise this event?|||if its a public tournament as long as everything is ok and your allowed to have it i dont see why you cant advertise like anything else, a small ad in the paper, yard sale type flyers, and word of mouth. everyone know someone that like poker.|||

you can play free poker with other ppl there|||right here i like to but i dont play with peeps i dont no. look in casinos.|||Well one things for sure. Come to Sisson school in California or just contact pro poker players and tell them to come to your house and make them play you in a game of poker.

You could also get yer friends into playing poker.

im jus jkin bout the sisson thing.|||look on da internet and type in texas hold em' poker, and find da rules and review dem wit your son , explain how it goes. these type of people prolly live in las vegas, nevada|||Since you live in Dallas, I would try contacting, (local sports take radio, 1310 am) It might cost some money but it's worth a try. I know most everyone that I know that play's poker in dallas goes up to Oklahoma, Winstar or Choctow to play up there, you might want to ask them if you can put a flyer up there?

Just a suggestion|||By all means advertise. Some t.v. and radio stations will make free public service announcements for you sense this is a fundraiser. Flyers are good too.